Girls Reads


teen lib said...

Devilish by Maureen Johnson
High school seniors Jane & Allison have been best friends forever. However, when Allison mentors a new girl at school she goes from clumsy & unstylish to sleek & sophisticated. When Jane inquires, Allison tells her she got a scholarship to be hip. However, a freshman from the boy's school lets Jane in on a secret; Allsion sold her soul to the devil to be the It Girl! Can Jane make a deal with the devil to get it back?
A fast read with a twist that makes you wonder if Prada is worth your soul!

jls90210 said...

Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway

Audrey is a girl in love with music. She lives in California and is dating Evan, lead singer of the Do-Gooders. She decides to break up with him, and eight hours later he sings a song about her, a catchy song that soon becomes popular and makes her a celebrity.

I really enjoyed this book. It was well-written and I could not put it down. The title of each chapter was a lyric from a song and the song lyric kind of forshadowed what would happen in the coming chapter. Audrey is a lovable character. This book probably isn't realistic, but it could be. The characters were well written and believable. I recommend this to girls eighth grade and up because they do mention a couple mature things that younger girls probably would not understand.

Unknown said...

Skunk girl by Sheba Karim

Nina Kahn is the only pakistani girl in her tiny town of Deer Hook,But she has big expections to live up to. Her older Sister Sonia was valedictorian of her class and got into Harvard with top grades.
But nina has other things on her mind like her crush, Asher and how to impress him. But, nina parents are very strict and will not allow her to go to any sleepovers or parties. But Nina has other problems too....She inherited a very hairy gene and there's one place she Cant wax and that from the nape of her neck to the base of her spine. But Nina has two great friends Bridget and Helena to help her along the way.
This is a great story about friends, family and love.

jls90210 said...

Airhead by Meg Cabot

Em Watts was certainly not a girly girl. She didn't know what kind of lip gloss looked good on her nor did she care. She did care about Christopher, her best guy friend and they guy she's in love with. She goes to the Stark Megastore opening and that day changed her life forever. This book describes how she struggles to adjust to a new life.

This was a good book. It was confusing at some points but a very good read. Recommended to anyone who likes Meg Cabot's books.

Unknown said...

Crowned by: Julie Linker

Presley Ashbury is one of those girls who love the pagent world.
But the only reason she loves it is because she need's the scholarships and opportunities because, she has a single mother who is "hot holly" the late night DJ. And her father is a lead singer for a rock band that tours around the U.S. so she never sees him. But presley has an archival......Megan. Megan is know for being the meanest nastiest girl on the pagent circit. And sometimes even if you dont get what you want, you can still get a great reward.

this was a very good book. I normaly dont read many girly books but this book showed some of the things girls will do to get a crown on there head.

Anonymous said...

Thrill Ride by Rachel Hawthorne

this book was great i totally recomend it !!

Megan Murgatroyd said...

The Secret Life of Prince Charming by Deb Caletti is about a girl named Quinn. Her parents are divorced and she lives with her mom and her family. She gets dumped by her boyfriend and starts to wonder if there really are any good men. When she finds out her fathers terrible secret about the women in his life, she sets out to fix her fathers mistakes with the help of her step-sister. This is a funny, quirky novel that I enjoyed reading.

jls90210 said...

Bass Ackwards and Belly Up by Elizabeth Craft

This is a great book. It describes four girls post high school following their dreams. Harper, Kate, Sophie and Becca are all best friends and they all want their dreams to come true. Each of the girls faces challenges that brings them one step closer, or one step back from their goal. There are funn moments, sad moments, and with every great book, love.

jls90210 said...

Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen

Colie is sent to live with her artistic, crazy Aunt Mira in Colby, North Carolina. During her stay she meets two waitresses who soon become her best friends. She learns how have confidence and how to stand up for herself. This book is such a great read, its one of Sarah Dessen's best.

jls90210 said...

Generation Dead by Daniel Waters

Teenagers die everyday, right? In this book teenagers die, but soon after, some come back. They aren't technically alive, but they can talk and walk. They are called the living-impaired. Phoebe soon becomes attracted, well, not attracted, but drawn to a living impaired boy named Tommy. They do something that no living girl and living-impaired boy ever do: they hang out and become friends. It's a shock to everyone, especially her best friends, Margi and Adam.

This book is a great read for fans of Twilight or any science fiction romance books.

Anonymous said...

Tweak: Growing up on Methamphetamie- Nic Sheff
Is an awsome book because its all true and gives you an out look of real life drugs and how badly it affects anybodys life. I realy enjoyed this book. i recomed it for 16+ of years because it hits home for some and helps put feelings out of the line and how to deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Summer Sisters: Judy Blume.
Is a girl flick. These two girls have been friends for years. The one girl goes to her fathers beach house for the summer so she invites her best friend. What happens from there is on you because you should read it. Its that good. Judy Blume is an awsome author but this is the best book by her.

shrt23 said...

The Last Summer (of You & Me) by Ann Brashares

Riley and Alice are sisters who are in their twenties and every summer they return to their parents' beach house. Even though the girls are sisters they are not alike. Riley is a tomboy, a lifeguard, always in the water and loves the beach. While Alice is beautiful, lithe, gentle, a reader and thinker, and worships her older sister. Their friend, Paul returns after 3 years and brings terrible news and this summer won't be the same as previous.

Anonymous said...

As You Wish by Jackson Pearce
After a heartbreaking breakup with her boyfriend, Viola has slipped into a world of being unnoticed. After intense wishing she accidentally conjures a Jinn, or a genie. At first they are adverse to each other, and Viola is reluctant to make a wish. Soon Jinn and Viola find themselves falling for each other, but if Viola makes her third wish Jinn has to leave forever. Can their love overcome the Jinn rules or is this relationship doomed?

It is a little slow to start but it's great when you get into it!

Caylin K said...

The Cupcake Queen by: Heather Hepler.
When Penny's mom decides to move out of Manhattan and to the small town of Hog's Hollow to open up a cupcake bakery, Penny has to follow along. And to make it all the worse, her parents are not talking,and she has to start high school without her friends by her side. A week before school starts Penny goes with her mom to set-up a cupcake display at a girl's birthday party. After everything is finished and the party guests start to head towards the cupcake table Penny makes a little mistake that leads to the cupcakes landing everywhere and on everyone. Including the Queen Bee at school who vows to make Penny's life horrible at school.
A great read about creativity, life's unexpected turns and.... Cupcakes!

Anonymous said...

Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard
I really enjoyed this book. It's full of mystery and secrets. There are five girls who are all friends. One of them, Alison, knows a secret about each of the other girls. When Alison goes missing, the girls get messages from someone named "A". They think it's Alison and that she's going to spill their secrets. When Alison is found dead, the girls have to rethink their suspicions.

Anonymous said...

All-American Girl by Meg Cabot

Samantha Madison is very confused. She loves her sister's boyfriend and she just saved the president from being assassinated. His son also goes to her art class (which she did not sign up for voluntarily), and he's an absolute cutie! He's also into all the same things she's into.
I would give this book a 9.8 out of 10. It's super good!! (:

Anonymous said...

All-American Girl by Meg Cabot

If I were to rate this book from 1-10, I would give it a 9.8. It has everything a teen book needs and more!! It was a super good book!! (:

Anonymous said...

Christy Miller: Sieries 1 By Robin Jones Gunn

Christy Miller is a 14-year old girl who lives in Wisconsin on a farm with her Mom, Dad and her little brother David. One summer, she visits her very wealthy Aunt Marti and Uncle Bob who live in a beach house near Newport Beach California. Christy notices that life isnt all about material things when she meets a cute surfer-boy her first desasterous day on the beach. This boy is bound to make a HUGE influence on her life.... forever.

The Christy Miller Sieries is a well writen sieries full of drama, friends and boys. It can make you cry, laugh and even have you put yourself in Christys shoes without even trying. It is an instant favorite and a must read for christian girls!

Anonymous said...

Out of My mind by:Sharon m draper
Melody is an 11year old who is amazingly smart and can remember everything since she was a baby. She is the smartest kid in her while school! But no one knows it everyone including her teachers and doctors don't think she is capable of learning. But little do they know everything that happens and everything she hears she remembers for ever. Melody is I'm a wheelchair and can not control herself or talk!! But she has a voice and needs to find a way to say things!! But are they ready to listen??!!!! I thought this book was really good I read it in one day!!

Anonymous said...

the Mediator: Shadowland
this isn't neccessarily a girl's read, butr i didn't know what other genre to put it under, so here we are. this is such a great book and comes very highly recommended by moi. Meg Cabot (author, completely hilarious, amazing, has cat) outdid herself with this series. absolutely hilarious, pop culture references that are understandable to our generation
(albeit, just slightly outdated: the series was written in 2001) but it's still great.
Suze Simon jcan see ghosts and it's her job to help them move on to whatever life they've got going for them. and she hates it. when her mom remarries and moves to california with suze, she thinks that maybe things will be different (she didn't have such a sparkling record back in New York where she used to live). unfortuntaely things are worse. a ghost (a seriously hot one, by the way) is living in her bedroom and she's not sure if she wants to get rid of him. then at her new school she meets a ghost named Heather who's seriouly pissed off at her boyfriend and wants to kill him. and it doesn't help that he asks Suze out. Can she survive, save Heather's ex boyfriend's life, and keep her mom in the dark? find out in this amazing book. and kudos to whoever else read Meg Cabot books. Is she not amazing?

Jenna said...

Rapunzel by Wendy Mass
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, put down your hair. It all started out as a perfect day, Rapunzel's 12th birthday. Mother told Rapunzel to go tell her father that breakfeast is ready so when Rapunzel got an evil witch was waiting for her. next thing you know Rupunzel is loked in a tower! As for a Prince has it pretty hard too. His mother watches him like a hawk! Both trapped but in differnt ways!

Anonymous said...

13 reasons why.
Hannah baker killed herself and blames 13 people why she killed herself. before she dies she records 13 tapes of what happend and which people made her do it. she doubles the tapes and sends one set of tapes to the 13 people. your supposed to listen to all them and then follow the map while listening, her true love is the one narrotaring it. his name is clay. he feels so bad that he did not stop her or did tell he loved her. maybe he could have stopped her but he didnt. only 13 people on thous tapes are the one's thkat know about the tapes. hannah baker killed herself for 13 reasons and thous 13 reasons are people. her lover, her so called friends and ex- boyfriends are thous 13 reasons why.

Anonymous said...

little brother
little brother is about a boy named marcus and he is only 17 years old but he was a normal highschool boy but is a smart 17 year old that knows his way around the system of computers and laws. until his friends and him skip school and get kidnapped by DHS. when they get reasled theres 3 out of 4 who survive. Marcus is trying to get a group together to take down homeland security and try to get there freedom back so theyt can stop getting followed or video taped. this is a very action book makes you think about the system now in days and if it will ever become that bad.

Anonymous said...

is about 3 differnet kids nothing in common besides age and wanting to die. conner is the first one in treatment he shot himself but did not succseed. tony see's connor get admitted and we find out he did herion but not to get high but to die. he tried to die by doing a whole bottle of valuim and jack daniels. vanessa is a cutter and a pill popper. tony is very paroind. vanessa's 8 year old brother found her bleeding out on the bathroom floor. they all have realy bad struggles. you think everyone is doing fine but vanessa because shge contiunes to cut. but its not conner is the one worse off. vanessa and tony fall in love and conner gets jelous. on the treatment campout they all get letters from family members. but conner has already been depressed the whole time because he is not taken his pills. so the letter makes him more depressed that he ends up jumping off the cliff.

Anonymous said...

Riker's High
is a jail for kids awaiting trial or there waiting to get sent off. this boy gets in trouble for selling drugs to a cop and is in riker's high awaiting trail to see if he can go home or get sencened. when he comes back from court and njot senced yet hes mad. there is a fight and he ends up getting stapped in the face. so they move him to another part of the jail. he is inmate # 40. he gets a roommate and he ends up getting close to him and trust him. while he is working on getting his GED he is trying to wait for his trail. there is a good chance that he is gonna go home but he must not get in trouble at all. his roomate gets into a gang and is stuck in it. he is only 18 and is gonna get shipped out to the big jail with the real criminals. so he is scared and ends up hanging himself in the bathroom. finaley he is released and giets on the striagfht path because he could end up like is friend.

Anonymous said...

is another one of ellen hopkins realy good books. the book tells you that no one is perfecvt but sometimes they think they are. these 3 teens have it bad and there lives are far from perfect. abuse from family. seen your mom do drugs its far from perfect. but everything on the out looks like it. all 3 of the teens get close to eachother and klnow there lives arn't perfectr but they pick up there lives and act like it is.

Anonymous said...

The Mediator: Ninth Key
i love this book i love this author i love this series i love the characters i love Jesse De Silva.
Suze gets in touch with her new family's past while uncovering a murderer. What's even more amazing: she can do it in heels without even messing up her hair.